Now online! "Lights, Camera, Sales" The Masterclass
Did you know your company will thrive or die based on the stories you tell?
If you want to succeed, learn how to address your customer's pain points and create a masterful, brand story that engages, and sells - even while you sleep.
Right Now, I'm Giving You FREE ACCESS to One Critical Lesson: "The 5 Emotions That Sell Your Story." Even better by taking the first lesson, you earn 50% off the full course.
Start when you're ready for more sales!
Two recent customers raised over $10,000,000 in venture funding, and a dozen others have been purchased, making most employees and all owners multi-millionaires.
It was not always this way! We didn't always have Cisco, Harvard, Comcast and the others as clients. I know the feeling of not being able to stand out, being stuck and unable to show our value in a unique and memorable way.
In the first year, I had one client. One.
Worse, they treated me like a servant.
Fast forward to today:
Why Did Our Sales Increase? We Used The Power of Story
This is why I created the Lights, Camera, Sales: Masterclass...
to help you learn the power of STORY and have you create stories that sell.
In the course, you will learn what has made us, and our client projects so special.
Everything that took years of lessons over 1,200 projects, 4 years of college with both film and marketing degrees, masters degrees, and even our secret workbooks are here in this class.
No one outside the large enterprises we worked with could afford the full process.
Until now.
Have a look at just one module, and see if you like it -
See you there!
- Maury Rogow
Producers Guild of America
CEO: Rip Media Group and The Video Bot
Author: Rise of the Entrepreneur
Video can be your best brand ambassador in B2B, B2C, or B2G, within hours of its release.
Video can also lead to your demise if you do it wrong.
You know need to be clear and add value OR:
There are only 3 ways to grow a business: